It is the duty of our site to help those who are in search of the information on the truth of the Craft. We will either have the answer or find it for you. We are connected through the Correllian Nativist Witchschool which is located on line. We try to keep in touch with all aspects of the religion and stay up to date on news that involves us as a religion.
We also have an order that is established for those wo are seeking connection with the healing community. we are not teachers but will point you to those who are capable of teaching and aiding in the advancement of the healing craft. There will be a library on verious topics involved in the fields of healing.There is an emailing group for those who would like to stay up to date in the fields. Our circle is the Order of Healers.If interested in receiving this mailing refer to this link.We will have an administrative fee of 20 USD for aplication and an annual donation of 10USD.