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Book of Shadows
Witches' Brews
Witch's Brews  {pic. cauldron}

Aren't we Witches famous for our Witches Brew? No, a brew isn't necessarily boiled in a big cauldron, made from ingredients such as "eye of newt" and "brain ofbat" can be much more simple than this. A brew
simply is an herbal infusion - a tea of sorts, and they have many uses. The brews I've included here are easy to prepare, and store quite well in your herb

One thing you must remember about brews is the type of water used to make them. The water must be as pure as possible. Rain water is your first choice, since it has come straight from the Earth. However, pure water from any stream or body of water is also fine. If you cannot do either of these, distilled or spring water is better than tap water. Sea water or mineral water is not recommended.

I think a brew is best made over an open fire, either in a fireplace or outdoors somewhere. After all, it's how our ancestors had to do it. But in our modern
age, sometimes this isn't an option, so a stove can beused. When boiling the water, and steeping the herbs, try to stay away from metal, as the metallic
properties can altar the magickal properities of the brew.

Basically, there are two ways to infuse the brews.
First way is to gather, grind and empower the herbs.
Heat two cups water to boiling, and place about one handful of the herbs in a heatproof, non-metallic container. Pour the water over the herbs and cover
with a steam-tight lid. Let the herbs brew for about 13 minutes, then strain and bottle for use. Typically, a brew should be used as soon as possible, but some
can be stored in the refrigerator for three or four days. After this, return them to the Earth and make a new batch.
Some of the brews below were taken from Scott Cunningham's book, "The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews."